
final-concertina book

Basic ideas come from mapping exercise:
the first one is that the desity of buildings in parramatta devided parramatta into two parts, which are "urban" and "suburb". In "urban" space, street and buildings are always determined by building's shapes. otherwise, in "suburb" space, buildings always become free standing projects in spaces.
the second idea is the connection between st John's church and park. I find that church streen almostly become the only way to transfer between these two open spaces, it built a very strong direction between two spaces. 
Basic ideas come from precedent studies and the conceptual ideas:
the most significant idea I get from thermal bath is the changing of space, Peter Zumther created two  oppsite spaces, one is open and another is close. He made a very good connection between these two spaces through playing with space change. It interpret both in plan and section. This changing of space pushing people circling within the whole bath space.
Conceptual ideas:
the first one is getting ideas from the second mapping. I want to make a very strong and direct connection between park and river.
the second idea is getting from the first mapping. I found that the urban context is not stoped at the Parramatta river, it continues along the church street, so I want to copy the urban context into my building, and made the theatre become a continious wall. Therefore to point out the strong connection between park and St John's church.
From conceptual to master plan:
I trying to put to conceptual ideas into my theatre design, I what to make a good connection between park and river, and also the "urban" and "surburb". I find that, the extention of space in "urban" is verticle, and human's sight is limited to be a verticle line. oppsitely, in "suburb", the relationship between site and building is more free, and the extension of space changes from veiticle to horizontal, human's also are involved in a more relax and open environment.
Therefore, I try to copy the shape from parramatta river, and make a flow between urban and suburb.
Main design principle in final: 1. making a direction connection between park and river, bringing the people from park into river space.
2.making the changing of space between "urban" and "suburb", pushing people walking from one space to another. It is based on the ideas in last master plan.
There are circulation between "urban" and "suburb", in the cross section drawings, it can easily find the obviously differences of spaces in two part of building.
I don't want to make these two parts as two individual objects, so I make a relatively close space between these two parts. When the people walking from one space to another, the space will changed from open to close to open in the section. In addtion, due to the height of the middle space is limitation, when the sight of people come from one space to another will be limited, it is a sense of curiosity, and it also seems like a sense of welcome.
Shot cut showing the space changces from "urban" to "suburb"

final presentation-model

1:500 model 

Facade from river
Matching to "urban" context, become a continious wall
  Facade from Park 
1:100 model 

final presentation



assignment 3-concerntina book

assignment 3-conceptual idea





project 1-concertina book

There are changed of views belong church street, which from parramatta station to our site. It can be found that views changed from city to suburb.

The figure on the left is the context map of parramatta and the right one is the basic grid system in parramatta urban design. According to these two diagrams, it can be found that the desity and pattern of buildings on each sides of parramatta river are totally different. 

On station part, urban blocks are the result of patterns of streets and squares, it interprets the typically classical urban design. (especially belong church street) And on the other side, buildings are located as "object in space", which are typically modern urban design. Therefore, our site is located on the edge of two different types of urban design.

The diagram on the left shows the commercial situation in parramatta. It could be found that most buildings on station side are commercial buildings, and on the other sides, most of them are residential buildings and green open spaces. Our site is located on the edge of two functions of buildings.

The diagram on the other side is illustrated the relationships between green open space and buildings in parramatta. On the station part, due to buildings are followed the structure of "building defining and encloser space", St John's cathedral's designed as "object in space" makes it stand out of buildings around and become the main meeting space in parramatta. On the other part of parramatta, due to it is in modern urban design, most of buildings are followed "object in space".
This diagram is main focus on charactristcs belong church street. when walking from St John's cathedral to our site, most of buildings on both sides of church street are in similar structure and heights. In addtion, the overhangs of these buildings connected to be a line, which changed the scale to human being's. It creates two walls on both sides of street. In another word, when walking from St John's cathedral to site, people will experience the scales changed from open to close, then going back to open. 

There are scenes around site. On the church st side, most of buildings are in modern style. And buildings on Marist st side are much elder. On the north of site is Prince Alfred Park, and on the south is Parramatta river. Therefore, it created four edges around site. 

The theatre is working as a continuous wall of walls belong church st. It will invite people into Prince Alfred Park. In another word, Prince Alfred Park become backyard of theatre.